By Jerome Kalumbu

Design examples

Preview of the prototype of a dummy article

Design examples to demonstrate semantic HTML with modern CSS and a better CSS architecture to build responsive layouts.

Implementing your designs following best practices and cutting-edge techniques about responsive design, semantic markup, accessibility, and performance will help you design compelling websites and save time.

Below are examples to help you figure out how we apply some of the best practices we covered across the six steps of the prototyping guideline.

On this page, you will find a collection of layouts and components coded in HTML & CSS with different art-direction.

The layouts are available as static HTML & CSS files, so feel free to use them as a foundation for designing your next article pages.

Article templates

List person

  • Maria portrait


  • Marco portrait


  • Francesca portrait

    Account manager

Industry Experts

Use this guide as a foundation to ensure that your code is optimised for good UX.

Keep your skills up-to-date following and reading materials from these industry experts: